Consulting Calls for Artists
Public Art

Cities all over the United States have begun to see the benefits of providing public art: many even require new developments to include outdoor artwork in their plans.

At Sculpturesite, we enjoy working with city and county arts commissions to select potential artists for public sites, and with developers and architects to identify meaningful sculpture to compliment architectural design projects.

We have the expertise to take the process from the initial “call for artists” competition to the actual installation of the sculpture. We privately invite appropriate sculptors to make a presentation for the project, assisting the artists in the preparation of the visuals to encourage participation. City arts committees and developers are presented with viable, substantive proposals and are assured that the entire process, from installation through maintenance, is professionally managed.

“Your gallery’s reputation in the area of outdoor sculpture is excellent. I heartily recommend that any public art commission in need of a wise and energetic gallery’s guidance contact the directors of a new leaf gallery | sculpturesite.” - Gerald Brett, Palo Alto, CA Arts Commissioner