October 05, 2014

Panel Discussion with 5 Woman Artists Opened New Exhibition on Sunday, October 5th

On Sunday, October 5th, Sculpturesite Gallerist and exhibition curator Brigitte Micmacker moderated a lively panel discussion with Bella Feldman, Jane Burton, Gale Hart, Carol Koffel and Suzanne Morlock, the five artists featured in the sculpture exhibition BEING WOMAN that opened at Sculpturesite Gallery the same day. This was a unique opportunity to hear how these five powerful women respond to issues facing women today in their own lives, and how these topics have shaped their artwork. The entire panel discussion was recorded on video, which will be available for viewing at a later date.

Reception with hors d’oeuvres by Park Avenue Catering and wine by Poseidon Vineyard and Keating Wines followed in the Gallery from 4 to 5PM.

An exhibition catalog signed by the 5 artists is available exclusively at the Gallery (while they last!)

Email or call the Gallery at 707-933-1300 for more information.

Download the Press Release at the following link:

Download:   BEING WOMAN: October 5th, 2-5PM

Associated Artists
Being Woman_ exhibition with five female sculptors opens October 5 at Sculpturesite Gallery
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